Craft Beer Packaging

Increasingly, 饮料品牌将他们的新sku推向市场的圆柱形铝罐为他们的方便, product protection abilities and sustainability attributes.
Two people clink glasses outdoors.


Craft Beer

云顶集团糖果游戏很早就认识到精酿啤酒行业的潜力,并帮助无数啤酒厂通过创新的啤酒包装扩大其对消费者的影响. 有几个因素促使精酿啤酒行业采用精酿啤酒罐, 包括保护新鲜度和味道的固有屏障特性,以及使品牌能够表达其独特身份的印刷技术. 一个恰当的例子:独立酿酒商协会(SIBA)《云顶集团mg游戏》表明,自2019年以来,其成员的罐装精酿啤酒数量增加了两倍多.1

Like every industry, the craft beer market was impacted by the pandemic, but it seems to be on the rebound. For example, in the U.S. in 2021, overall U.S. 啤酒销量增长了1%,精酿啤酒销量增长了8%. 这使得小型和独立的啤酒制造商在该国啤酒市场的份额增加到13%.1%, up from 12.2% the previous year.2 这些数据标志着全球啤酒市场回到了大流行前的常态,当时精酿啤酒的增长速度超过了整体啤酒市场. In Europe, SIBA成员啤酒厂的平均产量在2021年恢复, after a dramatic fall in 2020, but it remains below 2019 levels.3

Cocktails and Mocktails

便携性和耐用性的特点,使圆柱形饮料罐如此吸引在精酿啤酒类别也适用于鸡尾酒部分. 消费者欣赏预混合饮料的便利,在一个轻量级的格式,保持新鲜度和调节温度. 罐装鸡尾酒省去了准备时间和携带多种配料和工具的负担. Ready-to-drink spirits represented $741 million in U.S. retail-store sales in 2021 through Dec. 今年的销售额是去年同期的两倍多.4 一份尼尔森智商全球快照报告显示,预调鸡尾酒的兴起具有全球吸引力, with Europe showing an 11.从2020年到2021年,预混饮料的销售额将增长7%.5

Consumption of mocktails, 除了杜松子酒和奎宁水或莫斯科骡子等流行的酒,它们还提供一种不含酒精的替代品, is also on the rise. 根据NielsenIQ的报告,非酒精饮料的销量上升了33%.2% in the last year, with $331 million in total sales. Non-alcoholic beer and cider sales grew by 31.但更值得注意的是,非酒精烈酒的销量增长了13%.4% during the same period.6

http://www.《云顶集团mg游戏》.com/articles/fresca -与-酒加入人群————罐头的鸡尾酒——11641477316?mod=搜索results_pos8&页面= 1

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